Sunday 19 October 2008

Great weekend*

*other than Fergus concussing himself last night and nearly winding up in hospital... after a few hours of worry and frantic phone calls he was "back to his old self" Effie surmised. "And I'm not sure I like it" she continued.

This is the sort of thing that comes out of nowhere late at night around here:

Ferg shorn (it's all relative!):

Today Meah, her pig and I played a great game of swingball:

Then the skaters took over and the "dudes" and dudettes" were flying off tongues fast and furious:

Later, an impromptu shop was created and soon Fergus became Effie and Dan's best customer. Walk-by traffic was rather limited.

Tonight a rousing game of pokémon took place:


Rachel said...

WOW! You were not kidding when you said Fergus followed suit...I'd say that was a pretty major trim, no relativity about it! :) I'm glad to see this post about Sunday and see that it looks like Fergus is inded back to his old self. ;)

Ronnie said...

Green with envy here. I miss Meah, Dan, and Benjaman!

Tell Ferg I like his new hair but I miss his old hair. All at the same time. Does he feel the same?

Hope to see it and all you wonderful Canadians in person soon!

helen said...

thank you for fabulous visit:) we had such a good time! glad there was still fun had after we left:)
be well!