Lately Eff and Ferg have really been getting into a zone with their role-playing adventures. All situations are possibilities for re-telling. The other night Effie was baby to Fergus’ Dad for a good couple of hours. Her demands of him were relentless and often included being pushed around in the stroller (limited cleared floor space created many challenges). It amazed me how even-keeled Fergus was as his regular range in such a span of time would match that of a yo-yo. It even ended calmly as Effie asked him to do something and he matter-of-factly refused, stating that he had now moved on to a different baby.
Yesterday they caught Gillian excitedly peering out the window after Effie shouted “SNOW!” However, she realized she had been duped by more rich, imaginative play when it was followed by "quick Fergus batten down all the hatches".
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