Wednesday 8 August 2007

A Conversation With the Goose

Scene: Blackberry Picking

We have a blackberry patch that is about a 45 second walk from the house, up the hill and through the forest. The kiddos have been stretching their play distances from the house lately and blackberries are really popular at the moment. But still, we guide them up there and then leave them, as requested, with their blackberry pails (dump truck for Ferg) and whistles for emergencies (cause bears like berries too). Tonight they went picking and five minutes later Fergus returned alone.

Fergus: Hi Dad.
Dad: Hey.
Fergus: I don't know what happened to my blackberries.
Dad: Huh?
Fergus: I picked them and put them in my truck but now my truck is empty.
Dad: Oh. Did you maybe eat them on your way back to the house?
Fergus: I picked them and put them in my truck but now my truck is empty. I didn't eat them.
Dad: So maybe you dropped them between the patch and here?
Fergus: I put them in my truck but now my truck is empty.
Dad: Well...
Fergus: (singing) What happened to my blackberries. What happened to my blackberries.
Dad: Well, that's funny.
Fergus: Dad?
Dad: Yup.
Fergus: Dad, Effie is stuck to the blackberries and needs your help.
Dad: What What?
Fergus: Effie is stuck and needs help. Its not an emergency.
(run run run)
Dad: (approaching patch) Effie? Effie?
(no answer)
Dad: (upon seeing Effie's hair firmly entangled in a bramble bush) What's up?
Effie: I'm stuck.

Too bad I rushed out of the house too fast to remember the camera!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's funny!

hahamommy said...

I was just telling this story the other day... after a "hair stuck in armpit non-emergency" of my own -- Blackberry bramble bush is way cooler. :)