Sunday, 7 August 2011

1960's Film

Testing out the 8mm App...

8mm Weir's Beach from mesmith on Vimeo.

Music :: Forever and Ever Amen - The Drums


Rachel said...

I love this! Is it a phone app? Or did you do this in iMovie? I want a filter/app/whatever that will take out every other frame (or more) to make it look like stop motion when it is an actual movie (the lazy man's stop motion animation). There must be an app for that, right? But this does something similar. Very nice. And oh, yeah, looks like a nice day at the beach.

mesmith said...

Thanks - its called "8mm vintage camera" and is $1.99. Its a pretty brainless app - just select the look you want - 1920's, 1960.s, 70's, 80's and a couple others... and shoot. It will even add the film reel clicking if you want! I think it nicely adds to the limited ability of the iphone video so that you are less likely to notice the way it warbles when you move it around for example.