The boys playing Outdoor Challenge
Pucky in ju-jube heaven
Ju-jube hat
Ferg shows Meah his skillz
Nothing cuter than kiddos passing out Valentines
Morning wii
Only one head injury every 5 minutes... not bad
Yum - warm sun
Forest Star Wars
Um, jealous. :-(
thank you for hosting! awesome weekend. thanks!
oh, that looks like so much fun! i still want to see the evidence of all 18 and a half people sleeping in your house, though. where is the video walk-through of the sleeping quarters? ;)
Rachel: 2 in your room down, 2 in your room up in the loft, 3 in the middle (computer) room down, 2 in the middle room up in the loft, 5.5 downstairs on foldout couch and extra mattresses, 4 in our room (3 in the king bed, one in the bottom bunk).
But that feat required many days of clearing out and redistributing, so no one could actually walk safely into the laundry room, and the top bunk in our room was a dangerous tower of debris, plus Craig moved a beyond-full car load of stuff to the Value Village donation drop off site the day before everyone arrived!
Still, we did it!
I love how you call it "my room." It's just there, waiting for me to come back, at any moment. ;) So it sounds like Fergus' nightly relay and jumping from loft to bed was seriously hampered? But what fun (and such a good excuse to de-clutter). Must do some of that here too. The contractors have all commented on the overwhelming amount of stuff. We have officially crossed the line from collectors to pack rats (who am I kidding?, we were always pack-rats, it was just not so widely acknowledged).
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