After voting, we drove Gillian back home to work while we went downtown to play. We're cruel that way.
Ferg at our favorite comic book/ action figure store, Curious Comics* - the main purpose of our adventure:
*we had never been here before but it sounds very urbane to say that we have a favorite comic book store.
This was also part of the plan - going for cupcakes. We live in this place that is aiming to be the healthiest on the planet and yet cupcakes are having some sort of revival, with stores opening up all over that cater solely to the mini cake. These ones turned out to be fatty and tasteless and stale.
We went to the coffee place that Max and Otto's family has shares in:
**Heavenly stars**, we even had a sit-down meal in a restaurant!!!
It looks like you had an awesome day in the city. The lunch box reminds me of a college friend that had a obsession with Mark Hamill; she had Luke sheets/posters/shirts... everything *g*
>>We went to the coffee place that Max and Otto's family has shares in>>
Well as long as you're supporting SOMEbody's family. ;-)
Oh, wow, we are honored to be repeatedly mentioned in a blog post (and perhaps even in your day in the city). :) We miss you like crazy cupcakes (yeah, this doesn't really work, but "miss you like crazy" made me think of cheesy Natalie Cole music, so we had to revise it to like crazy cakes, and cakes was just begging to be paired with cup, as you might guess).
We would love to have a day in the city with you, any city really, perusing "favorite" comic book shops, hitting a giant coffee shop chain, pushing our luck for dinner out in a restaurant with all four kids...! I really truly honestly absolutely genuinely completely actually hope we make that happen, one way or the other, because, as we already mentioned, we miss you like crazy train. Oh man, another bad song reference. Sorry, Craig.
Oh, also of note, we have a few of those cupcakes stores here too, and while I love the idea of the cupcake, we have to agree that the result is usually disappointing. But they're so cute, they're cheaper than cake, and they're pretty hard to resist. And since Otto only eats the frosting anyway, we frequently turn to the cupcake.
Kelli - yes, Mark Hamill is dreamy!?!
Mary - that would be the family of "corporate america"
Rachel - I love "crazy train"
Otto - I hear the latest trend is for cupcake stores to sell cups of just the icing!!!
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