Effie has dug deep into all things Star Wars. Along with her expanding action figure collection (thanks Max and Otto!) and SW movie viewing, she is building up a library of used Star Wars novels and is very excited about the one that “is just about Princess Leia ya know Daddy!” Last night she was
Auntie’s old lunch box has been re-invented as a transportable SW collector’s case:
Tiki’s been busy with a number of projects and, having recently greeted visitors at 4 pm while still in her pyjamas, is beginning to re-think them all!
Ghostly pj’s: they’re not just for Halloween (or bedtime) anymore!
Meanwhile, my “Nintendo numb-thumb” is starting to give me considerable grief. Grief to the extent that scrolling through the iPod has become erratic and unpredictable and has resulted, on one occasion, in an extended listening of Gregorian Chants by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos when all I wanted was some Beta Band goshdarnit.
Currently, I’m having a heck of a time trying to master World 8 of Super Mario Bros as attempts to dodge bullet bills, swooping crows, balls of fire and persistently peripatetic pumpkins proves nearly as difficult as the time I had to battle the mega-goomba in Bowser’s castle without the added weapon support and security of being Fire-Luigi or any extra 1-ups! Bugger, eh? Impressive though, considering I was the guy who up until recently had only Pong, and a smattering of Guitar Hero, on his gaming resume.