Saturday, 30 July 2011

Cousin Visit #2

The lower mainland cousins came over on the weekend for jumping, pinball wizardry, bbq pizza and fire:

Braeden taught us that there really is no need for the cracker portion of the s'more - just stuff the chocolate right into the marshmallow and fire er up:

Gini Slug Lick Twice

Upon returning to the house Gini realized she had licked the wrong side of the slug...

Cousin Visit #1

On their way to band camp in Eugene, Oregon - Gini, Chad and the cousins stopped in for a couple of nights...

Smelly was a theme as they had been on the road for a bit...

Playing olde timey days down in the old house (including some sort of sleeping on the floor ritual):

Ferg and Chad practicing...

Soccer fans in their summery gear:

Mini and Effie at the lake on a warmer day:

General tomfoolery...

Midnight Madness

The making of strawberry, lemon and cherry garcia ice cream...

Mini and Effie enjoying their make-up the fruits...

Coolest Band Ever

"Cousins & Sisters"

Saturday, 23 July 2011


As if suddenly hit by lightning... er, not that this isn't a regular occurrence...

let me start again...

Oh what the hell... as if struck by lightning, someone has gotten all productive in the food and beverage department over the past 24 hours:

Bread, cookies, bran muffins:

Raspberry jam (don't worry Mom, this is just a stop gap measure to make use of all those u-picked berries) [Recipe here]:

Lemon gelato / waffle cookie! [Recipes here and here]

BBQ sauce [Recipe here]:

And here's the probable culprit for all this :: zee new espresso maker!

Mmmmmm... makes me hippa hippa hippa hippa

And then there was slime! (funny how this is the only item where little helpers appear):

The obligatory slime-in-hair... totally my fault for encouraging slime-head interaction by "sneezing out" a green slime booger. But really, who could resist a green slime booger?!?

Friday, 8 July 2011

As the holidays wane

Goose, the game of Loot and The Hand Of God...

Gillian, her air horn and the massive wild rose bush...

Gillian, her air horn and the new, ugly, rotten-wood "fence"...

Kristal, horseshoes and cheerleaders (Canadian)...

Goose, running and hot-weather attire...

A man, a boat and pool domination...

A New Low

The DVD collection has never looked so flimsy...

of our days, and our nights

Monday, 4 July 2011

Happy American Day

Here's wishing all our friends/ children of the revolution a wonderful fourth of July! We hope to see some fireworks light up the sky from across the pond tonight.

Today, Eff and I went to check out the marina's ice cream selections and we both agreed that popsicles may have been more appropriate for the heat (its not that hot, we just like to complain). I am happy to report, however, that the marina's transformation from hickville-grunge marina to upscale resort is now complete... we saw sunbathing, non-male, breasts!

Erosion trail:

Four foot vertical!

Hours and hours of mowing/ scything the hay/moss/weed field recently has yielded a decent little soccer pitch for our enjoyment (two and a half minutes worth of enjoyment in this particular case):

Yes, he's only one hair band removed from Sergio Ramos...

When news broke that the convalescent was happy to finally have someone serenading her with fir cones rattling the bedroom window, Rachel suggested I kick it up a notch by going all Lloyd Dobler on her...

The lack of speakers seems to have reduced greatly the desired effect.