Thursday 4 June 2009

Two Wheels Good

The Hoe Wheelie Cycle made its debut to great fanfare this week. For nearly 3 years - ever since we were introduced to RC cars in the back parking lot of The Hotel Albuquerque - Fergus has had his sights set on having something remote controlled. Two wheels is probably not the ideal starting point but the fact that it can do wheelies seems to make up for a lot of the stopping and starting. Now all that’s needed is some serious forest denudement back at our place in order to make way for the huge expanse of asphalt we now require. Oh, and some model glue…. given his tendency to ram into curbs, I’m expecting at some point Hoe is gunna need a wee repair job.

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Ronnie said...

Oh, WOW! So cool that you found that commercial - it's an icon of the PNW.

Cap'n Franko said...

All those Rainier beer commercials were a hoot. I used to hum/sing this one to myself while riding my bike.

mesmith said...

And thanks to you guys I get to perform this for my kids every time we approach your street! They soooooo appreciate it!?!