Sunday, 21 November 2010

Kid in the snow, way to go, it only happens once a year

Recent power outage and the playing of Rrrrrrracko!

Some shots of our weekend of snow:

"It's frickin' freezing our here Mr. Bigglesworth" says Effie (Austin Powers is the movie of the moment):

An always-expanding webkinz collection:

Friday, 12 November 2010

A fine party hat

Ferg and Grandad DID actually enjoy the hockey game (Sweden vs. USA), although...

...perhaps they were slightly grumpy that Cullen got all the attention from the "red guys":

We raced home on Remembrance Day so that Effie could attend part 2 of her hat-making class. Here's the final, velvet and silk, product:

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Ferg's holiday

Freezingly cold days...

Dreaming about playing Halo...

The wii being a somewhat okay substitute while we're on vaca:

Showing Cullan Carcassonne:

An ineffective way to get Jack to sit...

"Maybe" and Ferg:

Monday, 8 November 2010

Rainy fog trip

Three and a half hours in the ferry line-up... van envy:

Visiting cousins in the okanagan:

Boring video of driving in dense fog (but with exceptional audio commentary!)...