Never mind your fancy New Year's Eve parties, the emergency ward is where it's at for exciting activities on December 31st!
We brought ourselves and our turkey dinner leftovers up to Parksville to hang out with Shannon and co. for a couple of days and the last thing Pucky said before going into anaphylactic shock was "mmmm stuffing" (yeah, we put pecans in our recipe). An EpiPen jab and a 911 call later and he was en route to the hospital - me trailing, full of guilt, behind the ambulance. I should say Pucky was by this point fine and alert enough to take and post pictures to his blog, even getting the ambulance to slow down so that his pictures weren't so shaky! Anyway, the emergency waiting room was reasonably exciting and thankfully lacking in blood and gore. And, I found out later that Pucky asked the doctor if he could go out, all official like, and tell me that "he didn't make it" (professional ethics prevented the doc from doing this)!
Photo of Pucky's warm left foot courtesy his iPhone (
live blogging from emerg)...